I have been searching for a good data modelling tool (ER modelling) for Postgresql – have tried a number of products but none of them are satisfactory except for SAP Powerdesigner which I really like. However it’s expensive and I don’t
Postgresql 10 new features
Personally excited about the new version of Postgresql V10. It’s still in beta stage but it has following exciting new features that I have been waiting for: Table partition. A genuine identify column. The previous serial is implemented by a separate
Configure Google Cloud Platform – Creating a virtual machine
In this article, I’m going to demonstrate how to configure a Virtual Machine(VM) on Google Cloud Platform. Create a VM Go to Home->Compute Engine, and “CREATE INSTANCE” Once an instance is created, it will
Google Cloud Platform – Introduction
I’ve been trying Google Cloud platform for a while and this article is about my experience with it. If you’re interested, you can get free trial for a year ($300 worth of credit). Initially Google Cloud platform looks daunting –