I have been searching for a good data modelling tool (ER modelling) for Postgresql – have tried a number of products but none of them are satisfactory except for SAP Powerdesigner which I really like. However it’s expensive and I don’t want to use a cracked version.

I finally landed up with Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeller, it has all the features I need: Logical model, Physical model(Relational model) and Subview (a small set of tables for a particular process). There is no pre-defined connection to PostgreSQL, which is quite understandable. It however can connect to PostgreSQL db via JDBC, below is how:

  1. Go to “Tools”-> “Preferences” -> “Third Party JDBC Drivers” and add Postgresql JDBC driver, which can be found on PostgreSQL website
  2. Go to “File”->”Import” -> “Data Dictionary”
  3. “Add” a new DB connection with following JDBC url















Now “Test” and then you’re done!

Using Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeller (SDDM) for Postgresql
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